Church Planting Through Discipleship
“Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.”
Col. 2:6-7
As student learn and know Jesus Christ, they are discipled to grow in their faith and develop into leaders of new faith communities, and have the privilege of helping develop new fellowships and training the people of God. Students are mentored by church leaders with decades of experience-proven training, guidance, and tools for planting churches designed to grow and thrive based on the following facts:
Value In Newness
New churches have been shown to grow faster than older established churches; new churches evangelize better than established churches;
Credable Church leadership
Church Planters gain credibility as leaders in planted churches faster than those who take pastorates in established churches; Those involved in church planting are more open to change than those in established churches.
Firm roots through discipleship
The result is that not only are those involved extremely excited about the new church which, in turn, attracts other people, but they are open to change and are willing to try new and innovative ideas concurrent to current issues.
Relevance in a dynamic society
Demographics are changing quicker than ever before, and that the nations from all over the world are intermingling in countries under God’s providence which requires different approaches to be used in order to reach the un-churched.
self-supported church planters
ACTIVE Ministry provides socio-economic stability through vocational training. Vocational training equips church planters with technical skills for self-support. And thus eliminating dependency on the congregants giving for livelihood.
pastoral support for the new congragation
The developing church will always have a student minister until the time to hand over to the permanent minister whom the local leadership will call.
Discipleship Training seeks to bring students closer to God. ... In the lecture phase, students grow a deeper relationship with God through prayer, worship, studying the Bible and other pastoral care tools. During the outreach phase, students go into communities to implement what they learned in the classroom to real life.
"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."
2 Tim. 2:2