Since its establishment, ACTIVE ministry has focused on people. Our main goal is to save the whole individual from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. Hundred percent of donated funds to ACTIVE goes directly to the field work of the ministry.
The School-age Children Support program, connects international young people to positively affect the lives of other young people of similar ages. ACTIVE Ministry, has brought shoes and school supplies to a combined over four hundred young people in Mutoko and Mudzi district of Zimbabwe.
ACTIVE Ministry has partnered with the New Life International through their Water For The World division to provide a point of use water purification system that purifies water through chlorination.
ACTIVE ministry desires to assist the local community with better housing facilities, Better Animal husbandry, and promote income generating projects through the Vocational Training practice requirement from the students in training at Theotechnic College.
ACTIVE Ministry's Entrepreneurial endeavors contributes to the local economic growth through the rise of small business established by the graduates and empowered by the ministry's microfinancing system.
ACTIVE Ministry creates opportunities for reducing local unemployment. Thus far ACTIVE has employed a count of over forty-five individuals and has continuously provided business to local organizations since 2015. And incrementally continues...
ACTIVE Ministry provides a platform for residents, schools, and local businesses and institutions to become active partners in addressing education and community concerns. ACTIVE Ministry embraces the belief that education is a lifelong process, everyone in the community shares a responsibility for the mission of educating all members of the community and citizens have a right and responsibility to link the needs of the resources to improve their community.